
Friday, August 5, 2016

Service Day 4

We spent our last service day at Casa Loney. We presented Bibles to the children that we worked with in the mornings.

We also performed a puppet how for these children in, "Becoming a Christian". The story is about a discussion of great news about having forgiveness of their sins. The puppets talk about how Christ paid for the penalty for sins and if we ask him into our lives, we can be forgiven. However, the bad news the puppets realize is that they are puppets and the salvation is for the humans. "lucky humans" is one of the final comments that the puppet makes. After the puppet show, we shared the meaning of the story with the children and then prayed with them.

Again, We had lunch at Casa Loney which consisted of rice with carrots, peppers and hamburger.

After lunch, we had over 100 children. The street was blocked off and Luis shared songs, prizes and a clown act for the children. The team also got up in front of the audience and performed El Sapo and several other songs with Luis.

We also performed 2 puppet shows. "Becoming a Christian" and "A Special Prayer". The special prayer was about one puppet buying a special prayer and being told to pray in a special position in order for the prayer to work. The prayer and advice cost the puppet, $30. and the puppet figured that he could easily earn his money back through this guaranteed method of prayer. However, a much wiser puppet informed him that there was no special prayer that he could buy, nor was their a special position. The puppet learned that he wasted his money and can easily come to God with his prayers anytime and anywhere.

After the clown came to entertain the children, the children were surprised with snacks and treats.

The Casa Loney ministry works with local children and blesses them with sharing the gospel and inviting them to spend time with them. The ministry also makes wooden tables and benches. Our team decided to donate some money to buy a table for a family that needs one and let them have it for their use. The money can be used to both bless the Casa Loney ministry as well as the family that receives the table.

Tomorrow we visit the park and spend the remaining time in Antigua.

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