
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Service Day 2

Our second service day was supporting the dental clinic and working with our Guatemalan team at a school in San Jose Pinula.

We spent the morning working with the older children and the youngest students in the school. The older children were in 5th and 6th grade. The youngest children were first grade. We used the same Bible story on the tower of babel and the craft. We also taught the older children how to make a balloon sword.. We were able to see some of the children that we have been working with for the past 4 years.

Marta, (the founder of the school) was again very grateful for us coming to help her provide this dental clinic for the students. The children's families can't afford dental care among many other health related expenses and basic conveniences that we may enjoy. The school was started for families that couldn't afford sending their children to school and they were invited in to Marta's home where she taught them basic education. The basic education included learning about Christ and it began with only a few students about ten years ago. Over the ten years the school has grown to over 160 students and many of the classes meet in hallways, small rooms and have added small additions. The school primarily runs on donations and with the money it pays for material, teachers and building upkeep. It is truly a remarkable story in this very poor neighborhood.

In the afternoon we worked with a high school class and a middle school class. We introduced the children with the teamwork activities, message for staying off of drugs, as well as sharing an activity that we created referencing Ephesians 5.

In the Ephesians 5 activity We placed several large 12X12 poster board cards on the ground that had many temptations written on them that are sins. Sin is defined as what separates us from God because of our disobedience to his standards. On these cards were words written like, gossip, murder, robbery, cheating, lies, etc, that are obstacles that we can become disobedient to God. The activity uses these cards spread in random patterns on the floor and the students navigate through the "temptation field" as a threesome. These groups of three consist of a leader and the other two members of the threesome that are wearing blindfolds. These teams of three have to trust their leader and try to avoid these cards on the ground. It was really a wonderful activity from a teamwork perspective, but it is rich with spiritual content. 

We had more students today that made decisions for Christ and some that recommitted their lives.

Tomorrow we leave for the Vacation Bible School in Santa Elena Barrillas. It is about a half hour drive and we should be able to see some better views of the volcano's here in the area.

Everyone on the team has been healthy and we are collecting the last 2 duffle bags currently that arrived a day after our last team members arrival. We will now have the remaining supplies needed for VBS. We were thankful that of the bags that got delayed in coming to Guatemala, it was this bag, as it wasn't really needed until tomorrow.

Thanks for your continued prayers.

Dios te Bendiga!

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