
Sunday, August 7, 2022

Antigua R&R

The team has worked hard all week and we are in Antigua relaxing before we return home. Stopped at an overlook in Antigua before lunch.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Service Day #4

Today we traveled over 2 hours to Escuintla and presented a small VBS. The service team made a bench and we did and we helped the teens learn some English. We stopped at the beach after our ministry.  In Escuintla the temperature was more than 10 degrees warmer. The church had much love to offer and really enjoyed our team's stay.  We are planning to make this a place next year to share the gospel again.

86 year old man

The pastor and many children share spaghetti
Danielle and Miguel cook nuggets

The pastor's family with Davis

We served a meal for all the children and adults before we started the VBS.

Playing cat and mouse with the parachute

Singing action songs before lunch
Jaime telling the children a story

The pastor in front of the church

The Mime team shares a gift with each of us

Joe having fun

The team hanging out at the beach for a while

Service Day #3

 Today was our last ministry day in Santa Sophia school in San Jose Pinula.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Service Day #2

Today we started the day at the school making balloon animals for the children before class. 

The childrens team visited several classrooms telling them the story of the lost sheep. They enjoyed making the craft.

The teenage ministry team presented the salvation message using the iodine, bleach and water. The team prayed with the kids to accept Christ in their lives. The teachers shared that they start their day in prayer and end their day in prayer with the students.

The service team finished making 3 benches for the school and 1 for the church. The team has started changing out light fixtures in some of the rooms at the old school. Getting an upgrade from the fluorescent to LED lighting.

In the afternoon, the teen ministry team shared the salvation message with 50 students at the old school on the soccer field. The school gets to use the cities soccer field.

The Mime team shared the skit on forgiven to students in Guatemala City. At the end of their day they joined us and we enjoyed singing worship songs together.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Service Day #1

It was a busy day. The maintenance team went to a local “Home Depot” and bought 2 sinks for the school. The sinks were made out of concrete and weighed nearly 1,000 pounds each. The plan was to carry the sinks to the 2nd and 3rd floors of the school. As crazy as that sounded, we were able to get enough help to do it.

The team then started work on cutting wood to make benches.

The childrens team stayed at the school and shared a Bible story with 6 classrooms. We learned the students alternate which days they come to school. Only half the class was there today, so we will come back tomorrow to visit the second half. 

The children's team split into 2 teams to cover more classrooms. 

Our service day ended early, as we played baseball with the teens that Davis leads. We took an early lead, but in the end the teens got the best of us. They enjoy playing baseball and it was fun to build some relationships.

The Mime joined us at the hotel along with the baseball team for some hot dogs and games. The teams got a chance to spend more time having fun and spent time socializing.

The mime team performed their full skit. It was a moving performance and one that is used to share the gospel.  The mime team performed earlier in the day and they had 30 teens accept Christ at a school near Guatemala City.

It was a full day and we look forward to building more relationships and sharing the gospel with the children and teens.